
Month: November 2018

The Scarlet Lady is Building a Home in Miami

Scarlet Lady in Miami

Richard Branson’s Virgin Voyages has applied for planning permission to Miami’s Board of County Commissions  to build a new terminal building in Miami Port for the Scarlet Lady to call home.   Miami is one of my favourite cities and Read more…

NCL Escape Launch

I was invited to the Launch of NCL’s newest ship Norwegian Escape. This trip was only for Travel Agents and Media Partners so we could experience the ship and see what she had to offer. Although in my travel agency Read more…

Billion Dollar Baby – Celebrity Edge

  Wow what a very exciting week it’s been for Celebrity Cruises. Not only did they take delivery of their new $1 billion dollar baby, Celebrity Edge from STX Shipyard in France, they also laid the keel for her Sister Read more…

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